Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Giant List of Achievements!

Here's a list of achievement that you all will want to meet:

Achievement               Criteria
Almost a CenturyFailed with a score of 99
Are you kidding me?!Failed with the same score as my personal best.
Bomb MagnetHit three bombs and scored over 250 after all bonuses in Arcade Mode.
Combo MamboSlice 6 fruits in one combo
Deja VuKill 4 of the same type of fruit in a row in Classic Mode.
Fruit AnnihilationKill 10000 Fruit Total
Fruit BlitzKill 500 Fruit Total
Fruit FightKill 150 Fruit Total
Fruit FrenzyKill 1000 Fruit Total
Fruit NinjaGet a score of 50 in Classic Mode
Fruit RampageKill 5000 Fruit Total
Go BananaKill 10 Bananas in one round of Classic Mode
Great Fruit NinjaGet a score of 100 in Classic Mode
It's all Pear Shaped!Kill 3 Pears in a row in Classic Mode.
Lovely BunchGet the Lovely Bunch star in Zen Mode
Lucky NinjaGet 6 criticals in one round of Classic Mode
Mango MagicGet a critical hit with a Mango.
Moment of ZenAchieve a score of 200 in Zen mode
No Doctors HereKill 15 Apples in one round of Classic Mode
Over AchieverGet a score over 400 after all bonuses in Arcade Mode.
Patience Is A VirtueSlice 10 Coming Soon Fruits
Purple is a FruitKill 20 Plums in one round of Classic Mode
Tee Hee HeeFailed with a score of 69
Ultimate Fruit NinjaGet a score of 200 in Classic Mode
Under AchieverGot a score less than 20 after all bonuses in Arcade Mode.
Wake UpFailed with a score of 0.
Year of the DragonSliced the secret fruit!

More fruit ninja cheats and hints coming up =)

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